Happy International Women’s day!

Happy International Women’s day!

As March 8 is approaching, we want to congratulate all the women across the world and wish them a Happy International Women's Day! Through the course of history of this day, people have always called their moms, sisters, wifes, grandmas, girlfriends, daughters, aunts and other dearest people to congratulate them with this holiday. But why is it important? Why do we celebrate this holiday? What is the meaning behind this holiday and how did it all start? Let's go deeper into the history together and find out what we celebrate on the 8th of March.

Why Do We Celebrate March 8?

The first mentions of this wonderful holiday date back to 1909 when Socialist Party of America held a National Woman's Day on February 28 in New York. A year later in August 1910, female German socialists led by Luise Zietz and Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate the Women's Day annually to promote equality and advocate for women's rights. Upon this proposal the International Women's day was first celebrated across several European countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark) a year later on March 19, 1911. It was accompanied by parades and demonstrations in favor of women's rights such as giving women a right to vote and others. Later on, it was celebrated by American and German women, though there was no fixed date yet. The holiday gradually made it to Russia (1913) and England (1914). On March 8,1917, dissatisfied with poverty and hunger, female textile workers in Petrograd, Russia demonstrated against WW1, food rationing and Russian monarchy. The women were given a right to vote but that didn't stop the protests that have already set the Russian Revolution in motion. The demonstrations were followed by Nicholas II abdicating the throne and the communists taking over the country. Later the 8th of March became an official holiday in USSR, spreading across other communist countries and losing its strong feminitive nature over the years. Fast forward to 1970-s, the movement got a second breath in Europe and other countries as women commemorated the day as struggle for equal economic opportunities and pay, equal legal rights and prevention of sex discrimination and violence against women. Soon after, in 1975, the UN adopted the holiday and declared the 8th of March a "UN Day for women's rights and world peace". Since then, people in many countries started to celebrate the International Women's Day as an official holiday. Approaching the 21st century, the holiday became less feministic and radical and more friendly and positive, spreading good messages and being directed towards women of all ages and occupations.

March 8 Gift from Yolla

At Yolla, We are celebrating this amazing holiday with the whole world. Dear lovely Women, thank you for being so wonderful! You are truly special. You are an inspiration for the family and the society. Thank you! To celebrate this day, we are giving all our users a promo code for extra 15%. Use code 8DYOLLA for your next top-up and get extra 15%! Call all your beloved relatives and friends and congratulate them on this wonderful occasion! The promo code is valid till March 10. Have Yolla and watching from mobile? Click on this link to go to app and apply promocode extra %15 to call abroad for free!
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