5 years Yolla – FAQ
October 19, 2020
Promotion name:
5 years Yolla
Period of the competition:
20.10-20.11.2020 Stories published on 11/21/2020 will not be counted as valid and the authors of these publications will not be able to claim the gift.
Terms of participation:
All paying users of the Yolla app can participate. To do this, you need to publish your story on your personal Facebook page with the hashtag #5yearsyolla.
Make sure your Facebook page privacy settings do not prevent other users and brand pages from finding your posts; be sure to add the hashtag #5yearsyolla to your post or we may not be able to find it.
What stories to publish?
Any story about significant events in your life that have happened to you over the past 5 years. You can arrange the publication at your discretion: attach a photo, video, etc., but it must contain text.
Important: stories that contain the following will not be accepted for participation in the competition:
- obscene language;
- insults towards other people or animals;
- scenes of violence;
- pornography;
- propaganda of political, religious or sexual views;
- racial discrimination.
- the size of the gift for each user is the same
- $5 added to to their Yolla account;
- on business days, the Yolla team will track posts with the hashtag #5yearsyolla;
- if the story meets all the requirements, then the administrator of the official Yolla page will contact the users to request a phone number that is linked to their user account on the Yolla app;
- you can find out if you received the prize in the app, in the section “Your balance.” Additionally, the user will receive a message via Messenger Facebook about it:
- one user can receive only one gift, regardless of the number of stories he/she has published.
- deny a user a repeat prize
- refuse to award a prize to a user if their publication violates moral, legal, or ethical principles (for more details, see the section "What stories to publish?")
- share user stories at https://www.facebook.com/yollacalls - if necessary, request additional information about the account, in order to protect against potential unfair actions of participants.